Australian telco suffers email breach: 15,000 email accounts compromised

14 December 2022: Telecom provider TPG Telecom issues a notice that they suffered a cyber breach affecting up to 15,000 email accounts. Findings indicate that the primary aim of the hackers was to search for customers’ cryptocurrency and financial information. TPG reassured customers that they have “implemented measures to stop the unauthorised access.” According to […] Read more

Australian Federal Government’s updated privacy penalty bill is approved by Parliament

Legislation that penalises companies that fail to adequately protect customer data has been passed. From the Attorney-General’s Media Release: The Privacy Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 increases the maximum penalties for serious or repeated privacy breaches from the current $2.2 million penalty to whichever is the greater of: $50 million; three times the value of any […] Read more

Breached data of Australian consumers for sale on public forums

The high-profile Medibank, Optus, and MyDeal breaches are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to data exposed due to cyber threats and hacks in Australia. The highly sensitive data and information of Australians are being traded online, ABC Investigations reports. This data includes logins for Australian Tax Office accounts, along with medical […] Read more

FBI confirm Cuba Ransomware Group are targeting US financial services industry

The FBI and CISA have released a joint statement about the threat of the Cuba ransomware group. The Cuba Ransomware Group, who have no known association with the Republic of Cuba, is an active group that use ransomware to steal data, encrypt it, and demand that victims pay a certain amount to have their data […] Read more

Responding to a data breach: What the ACSC recommends

Recent cyber breaches have shone a spotlight on the importance of data security. From the Optus breach, to the MyDeal one, and to the most recent Medibank hack, it’s emphasised now more than ever that any firm privy to client data should take their data custodian duty seriously. In light of these cyber events, the […] Read more

Protecting your accounting firm from email fraud and compromise

There was a 150% year-on-year increase in Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks from 2021 to 2022, according to a report by Abnormal Intelligence. Business Email Compromise, or BEC attacks, are sophisticated scams that target businesses and individuals through social engineering or phishing emails. They are extremely convincing, sometimes even meaning that hackers have gained access to your email systems. […] Read more
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