What's New

How to Disable Browser Password Saving: A Step-by-Step Guide

Worried about your browser saving passwords? This step-by-step guide will show you how to disable password saving in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari to enhance your online security. Read more

How Bookkeepers Can Scale Their Business Securely with Practice Protect

Scaling a bookkeeping business comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining security. Learn how Practice Protect can help bookkeepers grow their businesses without compromising on security. Read more

Embracing Technology to Stay Ahead in Accounting

In today's fast-paced business world, staying ahead in accounting requires embracing the latest technologies. This blog explores the critical tools and strategies that can help accounting professionals maintain a competitive edge, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. Read more

Understanding Cybersecurity

How Bookkeepers Can Scale Their Business Securely with Practice Protect

Scaling a bookkeeping business comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining security. Learn how Practice Protect can help bookkeepers grow their businesses without compromising on security. Read more

Compliance Burdens vs. Security Threats: Which Matters More for Accounting Firms?

In the fast-paced world of accounting, firms constantly juggle compliance burdens and security threats. Both pose significant challenges, but which should take precedence? This article delves into the complexities of compliance and security in accounting, offering insights on how to strike the right balance to ensure a firm’s success and longevity Read more

How to Detect a Data Breach in Your Accounting Firm: A Comprehensive Guide

Wondering if your accounting firm has been compromised? Data breaches can be costly and damaging. This guide will help you identify signs of a breach, respond appropriately, and take preventive measures to protect sensitive information. Read more

Cyber News

How to Disable Browser Password Saving: A Step-by-Step Guide

Worried about your browser saving passwords? This step-by-step guide will show you how to disable password saving in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari to enhance your online security. Read more

How Bookkeepers Can Scale Their Business Securely with Practice Protect

Scaling a bookkeeping business comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining security. Learn how Practice Protect can help bookkeepers grow their businesses without compromising on security. Read more

Preventing Burnout in Accountants During Tax Season: Tips and Strategies

Tax season is a stressful time for accountants, often leading to burnout. This article offers practical tips and strategies to help accountants manage stress, maintain a work-life balance, and stay productive during the busiest time of the year. Read more

Case Studies

Case study of an email hack

Time and time again, email has proven to be the most popular means by which hackers target accounting firms. 3 out of 4 companies are receiving an increased number of email-based threats, according to a study conducted throughout 2021. Email-based threats can range from simple phishing attempts to sophisticated ransomware attacks that can cause serious […] Read more

Spotting The Phishing Scam

One in every 99 emails is a phishing email. Are your team members aware of the red flags that a crafty phishing email exhibits? Only one careless click is needed to expose your sensitive client data to malicious actors. Ensure that your team knows common red flags to look out for in a phishing email […] Read more

Why today’s Accounting firms need to look at password management

Let’s be honest, It’s difficult to create and remember secure passwords for a few different accounts, let alone the dozens of accounts you handle at your accounting firm every day. While retail password managers do a good job of keeping passwords in one place, they don’t have the advanced security features and access control that’s […] Read more


Embracing Technology to Stay Ahead in Accounting

In today's fast-paced business world, staying ahead in accounting requires embracing the latest technologies. This blog explores the critical tools and strategies that can help accounting professionals maintain a competitive edge, enhance efficiency, and drive growth. Read more

Accountants vs. Bookkeepers: Understanding the Key Differences

Navigating the financial landscape of your business can be tricky, especially when it comes to understanding the roles of accountants and bookkeepers. While both are essential, they perform distinct functions. Let’s dive into the key differences between these financial professionals and how they can help your business thrive. Read more

Password Manager vs. Passwordless Management: Why Going Passwordless is the Future

As digital security evolves, the shift from traditional password managers to passwordless solutions is becoming more apparent. This blog post explores why passwordless management is not just a trend, but a superior choice for securing digital identities. Read more

Product Updates

Product Update: Security Insights Released

Practice Protect just got even better with the release of security insights and alerts for all admin users. See exactly where the potential threats are and how you can help improve firm security – or better yet meet with our team to help resolve any alerts. Read more

How do you answer the silent question your clients are asking?

With cybercrime statistics rising, your clients are asking more and more questions about how secure the data they’re entrusting to you is. Some unspoken questions are: “Who has access to my files? “How are you securing my data?” Answering this question of data security is becoming critically important for accountants and bookkeepers in order to […] Read more

How to stay in control of an increasingly distributed workforce

Cloud technology is becoming essential to the accounting industry, are you cloud-optimized?  The move to the cloud has changed not only how you work as an accountant, but also the way your team is structured, and how and where they work from. Staying in control of a distributed team and ensuring security standards are met […] Read more
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